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Microsoft Gets Into Your Medical Records
Microsoft’s HealthVault hopes to bring EMRs to consumersYou can always tell when a particular industry is getting hot: when big tech players start jockeying for position. Microsoft, AOL, and Google are all announcing different electronic medical records initiatives. Microsoft has unveiled what it calls HealthVault , a sort of personal filing cabinet for storing important […]
Before choosing an EMR system, you need to know some network software basics. ‘Software’ is just another term for a computer program. Today’s software offerings usually break down into one of two broad categories: network/server or application/productivity. Network and server software includes the operating systems that run your servers and network, but also extends to […]
Tagged with: practice, software, Technology
If you were wondering how to keep track of people…If an organization has a significant number of employees, it can often be a challenge to keep track of where they all are. Some software systems can help regulate workflow in a medical practice by tracking the work of individual employees, but these require some type […]
Tagged with: human resources, implants, rfid, tracking
I recently attended a meeting where I heard an interesting lecture by a Dr. Edward White, a urologist from New Jersey. After calculating a conversion factor analysis of different procedure codes by managed care companies, he found that he was barely making money on those contracts – so he decided to drop all of his […]
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Tort reform may finally be having an impact
Are non-economic caps starting to make a difference? An article from the Associated Press reports that, at least in Florida, there was an 8% decrease in malpractice premiums for physicians. Let’s see, double the premiums a couple of times over the last few decades and then take 8% off of that, and you get….Well, at […]