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Do You Have a Swine Flu Protocol in Place?
Medical practices across the US will be well-advised to have processes in place for dealing with the certain outbreak of flu infections within their ranks, whether it is the Influenza virus or the H1N1 (Swine) Flu.
“There is No Obamacare” – Cecil Wilson, MD, President-Elect of the American Medical Association Members of the Marion County, Florida, Medical Society and their guests were treated to a special treat. The guest speaker was Cecil Wilson M. D., the President-elect of the AMA. And the quotation above is how he describes the current healthcare […]
Although written two years ago, a post by Vince Kuraitis on the e-CareManagement blog seems timely: “Google Health promises to simutaneously create and dominate the market for next generation personal health records (PHRs). There is nothing else in our solar system or in the entire universe like it.” What follows is an extensive analysis
In order to implement an electronic medical records (EMR) system, you must have ‘buy-in” from your staff. This means you’ll need firm commitments from the influencers at your medical practice, along with cooperation at all organizational levels. One Bad Apple Since one single naysayer can drag down everyone else down, it is important to intervene […]
Tagged with: EMR Electronic Medical Records, EMR implementation, EMR training, healthcare IT, HIT
Unless you have been hiding in a cave, you can’t help but to get drawn into the debate on healthcare reform. Unfortunately, most of the time it is not so much a debate as it is a shouting match.
Tagged with: factcheck.org, healthcare reform, HR 3200, open congress, politifact.com, snopes, truth-o-meter