Start Here
It wasn’t too long ago that very few medical practices had a website (we’ve had one since about 1997). But times have changed. Now, the strong majority of medical practices have had a website designed, using things like cheap web hosting to get their name out on the internet. And now some would argue that […]
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Are Your Electronic Medical Records For Sale?
Electronic medical records are for sale to any group that can prove they would use it for research, according to a Fortune article on CNNMoney.com. In it, they cite a report by a Texas watchdog publication called the Austin Bulldog that uncovered 100 different buyers between January 2009 and April 2010. Primarily pharmaceutical companies, these […]
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Meaningful Use: What About Specialists?
If you are medical or surgical specialist, you’re probably groaning about the prospect of implementing some of the meaningful use criteria. According to an article on Healthcare Technology Online: Every one of the six core clinical quality measures (and most of the 38 additional clinical quality measures) are focused on primary care. Moreover, the recently-formed, […]
Tagged with: EMR Electronic Medical Records, meaningful use
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What are the Benefits of EMR?
[Video 4] – Please post a comment below and tell us what you think. Please post a comment below and tell us what you think or ask any questions.
Tagged with: EMR Electronic Medical Records, EMR implementation, video
About 8 years ago or so, our practice decided to move from paper records to electronic records. The decision was helped along by the fact that we were literally running out of space for our paper charts. I had been looking at electronic medical records systems (EMRs) for years prior to this but could not […]
Tagged with: healthcare IT, human resources