Previously I discussed some of the terminology involved in the meaningful use rules for EMR financial incentives from the ARRA [Stimulus Bill], including the Core Set and Menu Set Objectives and Measures, and the timing of the incentive payments. For the purposes of this discussion, I am assuming that your practice is considering an official […]
Peter Polack
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Older Doctors More Resistant to EMR
Kaiser Health News reports that older physicians may be resistant to electronic medical records systems implementation. And even meaningful use financial incentives may not be enough for these doctors to get over their aversion to technology. In response, the American Board of Medical Specialties is considering adding health care IT education as part of the […]
Tagged with: EMR implementation, healthcare IT, Kaiser
As medical practices become more advanced, staff members gain improved access to the Internet during work hours. Cyber-slacking is a well-known problem in corporations; in fact, one study found that over thirty-five percent of employees admit to using the Internet for personal surfing at work. The New York Times cited that twenty-five percent of Net […]
Tagged with: computer network, cyber-slacking, medical practice management, Network, privacy, spying, Technology
For those of you tasked with the actual implementation of electronic medical records in your practice or business – CIO, Director of IT, Administrator – here is a nice guide to EHR implementation courtesy of CHIME (College of Healthcare Information Management Executives). CLICK HERE to download the PDF Although it does present the topic from […]
Tagged with: ARRA, CHIME, EMR implementation, meaningful use
From the folks of AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association) comes a nice and concise overview of the final rule of the Meaningful Use provisions for electronic medical records implementation. AHIMA is one of the largest associations of health information management (HIM) professionals and was founded in 1928 – which I am pretty sure pre-dates […]
A couple of years ago a Medicare advantage insurance plan came steam-rolling into town and began signing up patients with a vengeance. They offered a whole host of freebies like band-aids, glucose strips, plush toys, you name it. They also had an offer that couldn’t be refused by seniors: no co-payments, no deductibles, and low […]
Tagged with: capitation, Insurance, managed care, practice management
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Bonus Resource: EMR Software Checklist
For those of you who are at the stage of EMR implementation where it is time to decide on the EMR software system, we have a new resource which I think you will find very useful. Medical Practice Trends has partnered with the folks at to give you an EMR Software Checklist. They have […]
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Hospitals Wooing Doctors with EMR
A report from American Medical News reports that hospitals are increasingly courting local physicians with free or subsidized EMR systems. Why? A recent report by the American Hospital Assn. on the effects of the recession found that 72% of hospitals reported a decline in the number of elective procedures, and 70% reported a drop in […]
Is your practice business a bit slow these days? It might not be your fault. The AMA reports on a study by Deloitte Center for Health Solutions that found that a patient group they surveyed had fewer doctor visits this year than last year (79% vs 85%). And the main reason they cited for skipping […]
Tagged with: economics, Insurance, medical practice management, recession
Recently I had the opportunity to post a guest blog on, a leading blog in the medical community, on the topic of religion in the workplace. This relates to an experience we had some time ago with a potential candidate for partnership in our practice. Below is a copy of the article. You can […]
Tagged with: discrimination, labor law, practice management, religion