MPT Podcast 28 – HITRUST Alliance & Keeping Your PHI Secure, with guest Mike Meikle, of Hawkthorne Group Consulting. Mr. Meikle explains what the HITRUST Alliance is and how they can help medical practices cut through some of the regulatory clutter. This Issue (5:33): What is the HITRUST Alliance and why should you care? How […]
Meaningful Use – What you need to know at every stage from HIMSS From GE Healthcare comes this video showing the current roll out of Meaningful Use Stage 1 criteria as well as Stage 2 and Stage 3 projections.
According to an article on, the EMR/EHR market in the US will reach $6 billion by 2015. And where there’s money, there is crime. In recent years there has been a surge in data breaches, and as medical practices move into the digitized world more and more of these cases will involve patient data. […]
From our partners at Software Advice comes this nice summary of the recent history of HIPAA violations and breaches. Physicians looking at EMR systems are concerned about the the security of patient records, particularly those systems that reside on the ‘cloud’ – basically, this is when the data is stored remotely from where the practice […]
MPT Podcast 8 – Recent Changes in the Enforcement of the HITECH Act and the Impact on Your Practice, With Guest Mike Meikle, Hawkthorne Group. This Issue: Possible civil and criminal penalties a medical practice can face What do the new HITECH Act provisions mean to your medical practice? What are potential penalties for violating […]
Previously I have talked about the perils of social media as it relates to its use between physicians and their employees. And if you haven’t already checked it out, we have a great interview (on our webstore) with Robyn Hankins, an attorney specializing in employment and contract law, entitled “MySpace in the Workplace”, that describes […]
Just as medical practices are wrapping their brains aroung HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) standards, now they have to be worried about new PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards). Or do they? First, a little background on PCI-DSS. The PCI Security Standards Council was founded by major credit vendors including American Express, […]
Electronic medical records are for sale to any group that can prove they would use it for research, according to a Fortune article on In it, they cite a report by a Texas watchdog publication called the Austin Bulldog that uncovered 100 different buyers between January 2009 and April 2010. Primarily pharmaceutical companies, these […]
As if physicians didn’t have enough to concern themselves with regards to HIPAA, new healthcare legal guidelines are about to make things much more complicated. But first, let’s take a closer look at the regulations regarding the protection of patient information. Legislation. HIPAA (the Healthcare Information Portability and Accountability Act) has provisions requiring the safeguarding […]