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Should your practice outsource IT (information technology) or hire your own in-house computer specialist? Whether you decide to implement an electronic medical records system now or five years down the road, the movement towards a practice management approach that makes more use of advanced technologies is already underway. At root, the practice of medicine is […]
The path to wide-scale EHR implementation is still barred by many obstacles.A decade ago, most medical practice managers believed that the shift toward the total digitization of medical information was inevitable. In reality, however, the transition from dead trees to bytes has proven to be a bit more complex than expected.
Getting staff on board may be the most challenging part of technology change, but change management principles can help counter resistance.Electronic medical records systems are designed to make practice management easier. By automating, streamlining, and centralizing many of the dozens of administrative tasks staff members must attend to on a daily basis, an EMR system […]
Say Ah and stand close to your webcam A Toronto-based company, WebCamMD, says it will offer medical examinations remotely with nothing more than a good internet connection, according to a ZDNet article . So, if you thought that computer technical assistance by an overseas customer representative was frustrating, be prepared for the shape of things […]
Tagged with: outsourcing, remote, Technology
Before you let an employee go, ask yourself these important questions: Why is my employee not working up to standard? What can I do to help him? Ever ask yourself those questions? Well, if you’d like to know the answers – read on. You see, it all boils down to asking 3 simple questions, and […]
Tagged with: recruiting, retention, staff