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You Say EHR, I Say EMR
In every industry, there are always those who seek to position themselves as the keepers of the nomenclature. Everybody else wonders what all the fuss is about. Granted, what’s in a name?
Tagged with: pEHR, personal ehr, RHIO
As I wrote in previous posts, the technical side of the electronic medical records (EMR) implementation process, namely which EMR system to use, is probably the least critical component. The most important things are ultimately related to the people side or what is known as ‘change management’. For EMR, this boils down to the implementation […]
We’ve all heard the proverb, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” This is certainly the case in the majority of failed electronic medical records (EMR) implementations, and usually the physicians/ administrators/ owners (circle your choice) bear the responsibility. Since this may well be the most difficult (and expensive) project your medical practice will […]
Tagged with: EMR implementation, project management, WBS, work breakdown structure
Ask any doctor, what is the first thing you should buy for an EMR implementation and the response will be, “The EMR Software, of course.” Wrong! Ask any non-medical person involved with EMR implementation and his or her opinion would be that the EMR software is the last (or one of the last things) to […]
In Part 1 of this topic, I discussed the key issue your practice must resolve before purchasing a phone system: what are your needs? Now let’s review the questions you need to ask yourself and why they are so important: How many people and devices need to be on the phone at one time? Don’t […]
Tagged with: medical practice phone system, primary rate interface, telephony