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Frank Polack of Eviton LLC, a project management firm, created this handy one-sheet for us with the basics of data backup. Keep it on file or laminate it and post it where your staff can refer to it as needed. {+} Click to Download the Backup Data Tip Sheet
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EMR Software Comparison Checklist
Are you shopping for an EMR system? Before you open your checkbook, be sure to use this detailed checklist of important features your future software platform should have, thanks to the folks of Software Advice, Inc. {+} Click here to download the EMR Software Comparison Checklist
Tagged with: EMR Electronic Medical Records
How long do you think it would take you to implement an EMR system in your practice? 3 months? 6 months? A year? Of course, this is a trick question. First, you have to define when the actual project starts. Is it as soon as you make the decision to go paperless? Is it as […]
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Going Paperless
So, you’re thinking about getting rid of paper charts and switching to an EMR system. Is it really worth the cost and aggravation? Will it bring your people together or tear them apart? In the first of our EMR Video Tutorial series, we introduce the concept of “Going Paperless”. We take a brief overview of […]
Every day, businesses lose valuable data due to everything from a broken water main to a natural disaster. Most of the time, there was no process in place to recover that data. Frank Polack of Eviton LLC discusses what businesses in other industries already know about disaster recovery and business continuity and how your practice can quickly get back up and running after an unexpected event.