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Finally a Fix For the SGR Problem?
Many of you might not be aware, but part of the ‘deal’ the AMA made with the Obama administration was that they agreed to support the Healthcare Reform legislation in return for a final fix to the SGR (sustainable growth rate) for Medicare reimbursement. Alas, when the cat was let out of the bag and […]
Tagged with: Blanche Lincoln, Medicare Economic Index, MEI, SGR, sustainable growth rate
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Why You Need Video to Market Your Practice
Do you have a website? How old is it? It might be time for a makeover. When you realize how quickly technology changes, a ten-year-old website can be downright obsolete. A post on emrsystem.net says that, with the explosion of such sites as YouTube and Hulu video on your site is a must nowadays. The […]
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More Pros and Cons of EMR
Although the implementation of EMR is becoming federally mandated, it is still an useful exercise to look at the pros-and-cons. Here is a concise summary from Physicians Practice from a legal perspective. Most of the ‘cons’ are cost-related, though practices can offset these significantly by qualifying for meaningful use incentives as well as for PQRI […]
Under healthcare reform provisions, the number of Medicaid patients is expected to swell dramatically. And, according to Becker’s ASC Review, ambulatory surgery center’s (ASC) that operate efficiently could take advantage of this. Many practices provide charity health care to patients who have no insurance coverage. But with the addition of these same patients to the […]
Tagged with: ASC, healthcare reform, Medicaid
From the folks at Aetna Health, here is a graphic demonstrating the timeline for health reform 2010-2020. Click on the chart or the link below to download it.
Tagged with: Aetna, ARRA, health reform