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Although most people like to think that the Supreme Court is above playing politics, some healthcare experts see signs that it might be leaning towards trying to gut the national healthcare reform law. An article on UPI.com says that the high court, dominated by a 5-4 conservative majority, has shown evidence of prejudicial behavior. While […]
Tagged with: ARRA, healthcare reform, medicare, Obamacare, Supreme Court
‘Tis the season of election campaigning and there is nothing quite so entertaining as watching politicians pensively reconsider their stances on important issues (er, I mean flip-flop). One of the biggest bones of contention in healthcare reform is the so-called individual mandate, seen as Big Brother imposing his socialist grip on freedom-loving Americans. So where […]
Tagged with: conservatives, healthcare reform, individual mandate, medicare, Republicans
MPT Podcast 32 – The Changing Security Landscape – The How Healthcare is Becoming More of a Target, with guest Mike Meikle of Hawkthorne Group Consulting This Issue (5:30): Why hackers are targeting healthcare and why medical practices should be concerned The impact of data breaches Why medicine is particularly vulnerable Some steps that healthcare […]
Tagged with: hacking, healthcare consulting, healthcare IT, HIPAA, HITECH, podcast, security breaches
With looming reimbursement cuts a perpetual end-of-year drama, more physicians are foregoing insurance plans altogether and going into the ‘concierge medicine’ business. But as an article on Fierce EMR reports, some are blaming this trend on a growing shortage of physicians. In Vermont, one of a few states considering a single-payer system, the number of […]
Tagged with: concierge medicine, medicare, physician reimbursement
This video from the Texas Medical Association shows us the Medicare reimbursement issue from a child’s perspective. Grandma and the Big Bad SGR! A huge Medicare cut looms for doctors and Medicare patients. Who might that affect? People like grandma – and those who love her, as the child in this video shows. Unless Congress […]
Tagged with: medicare, physician reimbursement, SGR, Texas Medical Association, video