Ask any doctor, what is the first thing you should buy for an EMR implementation and the response will be, “The EMR Software, of course.” Wrong! Ask any non-medical person involved with EMR implementation and his or her opinion would be that the EMR software is the last (or one of the last things) to […]
Peter Polack
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In Part 1 of this topic, I discussed the key issue your practice must resolve before purchasing a phone system: what are your needs? Now let’s review the questions you need to ask yourself and why they are so important: How many people and devices need to be on the phone at one time? Don’t […]
Tagged with: medical practice phone system, primary rate interface, telephony
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Lightning Strikes Again
I wrote previously on disaster recovery planning for the medical office (and we have an audio teleseminar coming out in the near future on just this subject). If you connect to your office from home, it’s a good idea to have a disaster recovery plan in place for your home office as well. I had […]
Tagged with: EMR Electronic Medical Records, lightning, online backup service
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What Exactly IS Socialized Medicine?
Every so often, a visitor from afar (usually from Canada or Great Britain) will comment on the plight of the American health care system and the advantages of their “nationalized” health service. Yes, we certainly have our share of troubles here in the US. And if the current news is any indication, the upcoming election […]
Tagged with: health care costs, Medicare advantage plan, socialized medicine
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Are your patients non-adherent?
An article posted on ZD Net discusses a new online service that helps patients avoid being “non-adherent”, i.e. to take their meds. The American economy loses $177-300 billion per year because people don’t take their medicine properly. Sean Teare is president of InnovationRx, a Massachusetts-based unit of a British company which aims both to cut […]
Tagged with: non-adherence, non-compliance, patient compliance
Once again we were saved from another Medicare cut at the last minute. This is really getting old. The only consolation is that for once it is getting more press coverage than in the past, mostly with the (correct) slant that these cuts will ultimately hurt Medicare beneficiaries. Several Republican senators changed their votes from […]
Tagged with: HR 6331, medicare, medicare advantage, privatized health care, socialized medicine
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Ultimate Guide to EHR Resources
There is a nice compendium of resources on electronic health records recently posted on Nursing Online Education Database entitled The Ultimate Guide to Taking Control of Your Health Records by Alisa Miller. This includes not only sites and tools for consumers but also for medical practices. If you don’t think do-it-yourself electronic health records is […]
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Buying Network Hardware
Shopping for network hardware can be like shopping for a used car in a foreign country. There a lot of decisions to be made and one of the toughest is choosing a brand. The natural instinct is to shop for the lowest price, and although price is a very important factor, others play a big […]
Tagged with: EMR implementation, medical practice network, network hardware
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Choosing a Phone System for Your Practice, Part 1
Peter Polack Comments are off
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The Assault on the Medical Profession
It used to be that two cereal-box tops and a quarter would get you a Flash Gordon secret decoder ring. Nowadays, the same will get you the word “Doctor” in front of your name. It reminds me of a scene from an old sitcom called Fernwood Tonight in which a man is having a heart […]
Tagged with: medical profession, optometrist, optometry, scope of practice