If you comb through the blogosphere on the topic of electronic medical records, you may find a surprising amount of negative commentary. And if you mention the financial incentives for meaningful use implementation, things get downright testy: anti-government sentiment, conspiracy theories, and a call to resist the temptation to go paperless. They site studies that […]
Peter Polack
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Guest Post: Katie Matlack As I settle in to my role as Medical Software Analyst at Software Advice, I’ve begun to wonder: What separates those who realize the benefits of an EMR from those who don’t? What are the critical success factors that can help ensure a practice’s switch to EMRs is truly transformational? To […]
MPT Podcast 34 – Process or Technology – What Provides the Most Bang for the Buck?, with guest Mike Meikle of Hawkthorne Group Consulting This Issue (6:55): Can technology trump poor processes? How critical is the human factor? Should you adapt to your EMR or should it adapt to you? Why your security plan might […]
Although most of us in medicine know the struggles of running a private practice, it is still disconcerting – albeit not surprising – to hear that some doctors are having to file for bankruptcy. In an article on CNNMoney.com, some physicians talk about having to get business loans or use personal funds to keep their […]
Tagged with: bankruptcy, medical practice management, medicare, physician reimbursement
Guest Post, John T. Kihm MD Myths abound concerning concierge medicine (CM). Unfortunately these myths prevent good doctors from converting their practices to CM. Let’s look at those myths—maybe you need to work on yourself and your own beliefs. If you practice quality medicine your patients will value you and your work and will pay […]
MPT Podcast 33 – 101 Ideas to Increase Revenue and Decrease Costs, with guest Mary Pat Whaley of ManageMyPractice.com. Ms. Whaley shares some of her many suggestions for improving your practice’s bottom line. This Issue (10:42): Does it really pay to work harder? Should your practice have a minimum-number-of-physicians policy? Do doctors take too much […]
According to an article on the AMA Med News online, increased age of a physician is not necessarily correlated with resistance to EMR use. A study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston published in JAMA found that physicians who were at least ten years out of training and busier than their younger counterparts were […]
Although most people like to think that the Supreme Court is above playing politics, some healthcare experts see signs that it might be leaning towards trying to gut the national healthcare reform law. An article on UPI.com says that the high court, dominated by a 5-4 conservative majority, has shown evidence of prejudicial behavior. While […]
Tagged with: ARRA, healthcare reform, medicare, Obamacare, Supreme Court
‘Tis the season of election campaigning and there is nothing quite so entertaining as watching politicians pensively reconsider their stances on important issues (er, I mean flip-flop). One of the biggest bones of contention in healthcare reform is the so-called individual mandate, seen as Big Brother imposing his socialist grip on freedom-loving Americans. So where […]
Tagged with: conservatives, healthcare reform, individual mandate, medicare, Republicans
MPT Podcast 32 – The Changing Security Landscape – The How Healthcare is Becoming More of a Target, with guest Mike Meikle of Hawkthorne Group Consulting This Issue (5:30): Why hackers are targeting healthcare and why medical practices should be concerned The impact of data breaches Why medicine is particularly vulnerable Some steps that healthcare […]
Tagged with: hacking, healthcare consulting, healthcare IT, HIPAA, HITECH, podcast, security breaches